Which is more foolish?

  1. Կապույտ գույնով նշված նախադասությունները գրիր ներկա և ապառնի ժամանակաձևերով։

Farmer Jones wanted to buy some things at a store.

Farmer Jones will want to buy some things at a store.

Farmer Jones wants to buy some things at a store.


The storekeeper had a lot of bicycles in the store and he wanted to sell one to the farmer.

The storekeeper will have a lot of bicycles in the store and he will want to sell one to the farmer.

The storekeeper has a lot of bicycles in the store he wants to sell one to the farmer.


  1. Գրիր կարմիր գույնով նշված բառերի անցյալը։







  1. Դուրս գրիր գոյականները և բայերը:

Գոյականներ-bicycle, farmer, storekeeper, farmer Jones, cow, town, price, smile, store

Բայեր-to buy, to sell, to ride, to milk, to want, to have, to think, to said, to know, to answer